Ingo Schröder

Adjunct Professor for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Philipps-University of Marburg

teaches Anthropology at the University of Marburg. He is broadly interested in processes of capitalist transformation and counterhegemonic activism across the Global North from a longue durée perspective. His empirical research has focused on Native North America (especially the Southwest) and Eastern Europe (especially Lithuania), his theoretical inspirations are derived from Marx, Engels, and Gramsci. Ingo’s current interests focus on the rise of fascism in Europe and North America and, more generally, the political anthropology of contemporary societies of the Global North.


You can find Ingo and his work here:


Selected Publications

with Schorkowitz, Dittmar & Chavez, Hohn R. (eds.) (2019). Shifting Forms of Continental Colonialism: Unfinished Struggles and Tensions. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. 

(2016). Lokalität und Identitätspolitik. Öffentliche Inszenierungen von Geschichte und Kultur bei den White Mountain Apache in Arizona, 19.-21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Kula.

(2012). Progressive Politik unter ungünstigen Umständen: Vorläufige Bemerkungen zu einer Ethnographie der Linken in Osteuropa. In: Distelrath, Günther et al. (eds.) Auf der Suche nach der Entwicklung menschlicher Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Hans-Dieter Ölschleger zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag von seinen Freunden und Kollegen. Berlin: EB-Verlag (pp. 103-125).

with Ališauskienė, Milda (eds.) (2011). Religious Diversity in Post-Soviet Society: Ethnographies of Catholic Hegemony and the New Pluralism in Lithuania. Farnham: Ashgate.

with Vonderau, Asta (eds.) (2008). Changing Economies and Changing Identities in Postsocialist Eastern Europe (Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 20) Münster: Lit.

(2003). The Political Economy of Tribalism in Native North America: Neotribal Capitalism? Anthropological Theory 3: 435-456.

with Schmidt, Bettina E. (eds.) (2001). The Anthropology of Violence and Conflict. London: Routledge.